Have you noticed how some people never seem to put on weight yet others look at food and gain weight? If they both ate the same calories, clearly something different is going on inside their bodies. Read More about the scientifically backed eleven keys to weight loss, including why counting calories is unhelpful and you can’t exercise your way out of obesity.
Science has now proven that what we eat and when we eat has a direct impact on our metabolism and our blood sugar. By making specific changes to your diet we can flip a metabolic switch so your body starts burning fat, instead of glucose. For most patients this metabolic approach also fixes your high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Read More about the science of reversing diabetes.
Reverse Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal condition that can cause horrible mental and physical problems like irregular menstrual cycles, excessive facial and body hair, scalp hair loss, acne, obesity, reduced fertility, and low self-esteem. It also increases the risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke and endometrial cancer. The root cause is the insulin resistance which can be reversed with specific dietary changes. Read More about our approach to PCOS.
Healing heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure
Do you have heart disease in your family and want to lower your risk? Or have you had issues with blood pressure, heart attacks, blocked arteries or struggled with high cholesterol? Or are you confused about what to eat? Read More about how these diseases develop and what can be done about them.